BGS Managing Director and author of “Blinking Red” Michael Allen in Defense News discusses the possibility of a new period in intelligence reform, but comments he does not believe that this reform will be a “wholesale change like the Intelligence Reform Act, or the 9/11 recommendations.”
The Wall Street Journal’s review of Michael Allen’s book, Blinking Red, highlights the history of the Director of National Intelligence, as written by Michael Allen. From David Feith’s review: “Though Mr. Allen argues that intelligence reform is a worthy work in progress — “while imperfect,” the 2004 law “created a…
BGS Senior Vice President Julianne Smith says of the outlook of China’s air-defense identification zone, “I don’t think it’s going to disappear,” and that “it would be really hard for [the Chinese] to back out of this.” “The bottom line right now,” she says, “is doing all we can on… calls Blinking Red “a step-by-step walk through of the backroom negotiations that created the position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the wrestling over who would get to control the intelligence community.”