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General Stephen “Seve” Wilson (Ret.)

General Wilson is a retired 4-star U.S. Air Force General with over 39 years of military service. Prior to joining BGS, he served as the 39th Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force. As the Vice Chief, General Wilson managed the organizing, training and equipping of over 685,000 active duty, Guard and Reserve Airmen, helping direct strategy, policy, acquisition, technology, personnel and risk management. He helped manage the planning, programming, budgeting and execution of the Air Force’s $205 billion annual budget. General Wilson also served on the Joint Requirements Oversight Council setting the acquisition requirements for the Department of Defense. He was widely acknowledged as the driving force for embracing both innovative technology and new thinking to include the startup of AFWERX, a U.S. Air Force program which expands technology, talent and transition partnerships for rapid and affordable commercial and military capabilities. General Wilson was also the catalyst behind the U.S. Air Force/M.I.T. AI Accelerator partnership to advance and improve Air Force operations while also addressing broader societal needs.